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  • Frank Slovenec

Newsletter 11-20-23 Happy Thanksgiving!

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS: Congratulations to our new Ambassadors, and say “hello” to our newest members! Mimmi Gibson (Sweden), Stacey Pyne (Illinois), Monroe Weber-Shirk (New York), Emily Lima (Illinois), Bp Agrawal (Virginia), Abel Luiz (Portugal), AJ Campbell (New York), Janshi Gajendiran (India), Nels Leutwiler (Illinois), John Sonnenberg (Illinois), Sunil Kumar (India), Howard Lang (Illinois), David Flynn (Egypt) HAPPY THANKSGIVING! In the spirit of the U.S. Thanksgiving Holiday, we extend our thanks to all of the water workers, who labor through storms, holidays and pandemics to ensure water works. Please help minimize pipe blockages by placing Fats, Oils and Grease in the garbage rather than down the drain. And, if you've been blessed with abundant food and fresh water, we hope you will consider a donation to sustain Global Water Works. Our nonprofit, online platform is open to all because of the generosity of volunteers and donors, and we thank you in advance for your support! YOUR GIFT HELPS US GROW NEWS WORTH SHARING: November 19 was World Toilet Day—It’s more important than you may think. WHO TO KNOW: Travis Loop and his WaterLoop podcast is the 2023 U.S. Water Prize in the

of Outstanding One Water Communication. Congrats, Travis! And congrats to all the winners in the 7 other categories: 2023 US Water Prize Winners Honored at One Water Summit - US Water Alliance. THIS WEEK’S POLL While most respondents said educational opportunities were the most valuable aspect of the Global Water Works community, others also appreciated the networking opportunities and access to documents, white papers, and experts. Comments noted that all the items are valuable. What aspect of the Global Water Works community do you find most valuable?

Networking opportunities – 28%

  • Educational resources – 42%

  • Groups – 0%

  • Access to documents, white papers and experts – 14%

  • Other, please comment – 14%

WONDER OF WATER: Neighbors, water chemists, environmental scientists, business

, trainers, a nurse, one government representative and a fundraiser came together to review the 2024 Lake Lover plans, and contribute their interests and desired outcomes for the new year. TECH TALK: The founder of Global Water Works, Mary Conley Eggert, has a conversation with Tom Koulentes the principal of Libertyville, High School. Tom designed an aquaponics

for his home to support the family's pet tortoise, and tells how it supported not only the tortoise but a family of five.

YOU CAN USE: Rick Bacon, CEO Aqua Metrology Systems, Talks with World of Water Action Forum, India Group on removing Arsenic from Water. FUN WITH WATER: Making a positive difference in the world is fun. Here are 10 ways to help lakes at home.


? Chances are there is a solution available in the Global Water Works technology database to help address it. Search or browse the database, and see case studies and video demonstrations of technology. NEAR-TERM EVENTS: OFF-GRID CONFERENCE: Off-Grid Tech Day is December 6. Off-Grid Conference is December 7 – 8. The two-day event OFF-GRID Expo + Conference (OEC) is the only neutral

congress trade event in Europe focused on the off-grid solar, wind and hydropower systems sector. RAINREACH: The 2023 Reflections

2024 Vision is Friday, December 1. Join us for a celebration and vision session. Hari Haran Chandra, Raj Rajaram and other RainReach contributors will discuss how the program is now touching the lives of 3400 children over 7 Bangalore City Schools. The team takes one school at a time… Installs Net Zero Water solutions. Engaging the youth, and building an equation for them with water - to create resilience.

SAVE THE DATE: Read on for Global Water Works Community Happenings - curated from around the globe. A partial list is below: FLORIDA SECTION AWWA FALL CONFERENCE – November 26 – 29 IRRIGATION SHOW AND EDUCATION WEEK – November 27 – December 1 CALIFORNIA BIORESOURCES ALLIANCE SYMPOSIUM 2023 – November 28 – 29 SPECIALIZED CONFERENCE ON WATER/WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT – December 3 – 8 WATEC PORTUGAL – December 5 – 7 NORTH AMERICAN WATER LOSS CONFERENCE – December 5 - 7

OFF-GRID EXPO & CONFERENCE 2023 – December 6 – 8 FLORIDA GROUNDWATER CONFERENCE – January 23 – 24 WATER & WASTEWATER EQUIPMENT, TREATMENT & TRANSPORT SHOW – January 24 - 27 RURAL WATER RALLY – February 6 – 8 YOUNG PROFESSIONALS SUMMIT – February 11 – 14 WORLD WATER TECH INNOVATION SUMMIT – February 20 – 21 1st SWAN SMART METERING WORKSHOP – February 29 – March 1, 2024 ILLINOIS LAKES MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE – March 4 - 6 2024 WATER REUSE SYMPOSIUM – March 10 – 13, 2024 FLORIDA WATER RESOURCES CONFERENCE – April 2 – 6 WISCONSIN WATER WEEK – April 10 – 16 GLOBAL WATER SUMMIT 2024 – April 15 – 17 EARTH DAY – April 22 FLORIDA ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING SUMMER SCHOOL – June 16 - 19 ABOUT GlobalWaterWorks: Each week, we identify research, success stories, new technologies and water heroes to illustrate how global water works for the planet, people and prosperity. Our mission is to connect drops of interest for waves of impact, and we invite you to collaborate and celebrate impactful water work in the community: You can also follow us on LinkedIn: Twitter @GlobalWaterWork; and Facebook: Jacksonville Beach, FL·Updated Yesterday, November 20

Donna Kaluzniak Host · Utility Professional B2B writer for the water industry--web content, white papers, case studies, newsletters, blogs, presentations. Following Chat

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